“An alienating parent values control more than they value the well-being of their children.”
Parental alienation (PA) is an emotional disturbance in which a child sees one parent as good and the other as bad. PA happens in children whose parents are going through a divorce or custody battle. When the primary parent brainwashes the child, the case becomes known as parental alienation syndrome (PAS). -- src.
“A good and decent parent does not take their childrens' rights away out of hate and malice for the other parent.”
One of the most active controversies involving children in a legal context has pertained to parental alienation (PA), which some critics have said does not exist but was invented as a mechanism for abusive fathers to gain control of their children from protective mothers. However, the reality is that PAS exists, affects men and women in high-conflict divorces, and damages thousands of children in the United States every year. Clearly a child can have valid cause or rationale for rejecting their mother or father. However, when a child allies strongly with one parent (the preferred parent or alienating parent) and rejects a relationship with the other parent (the target parent) without legitimate justification, that is PAS. -- src. American Bar Association
“Any attempt by a parent to alienate the children from the other parent should be viewed as a direct and willful violation of the prime duty of healthy parenthood.”
Attorneys and judges are exposed to much misinformation regarding PA and you may find that many do not recognize PA or PAS as legitimate terms. However, alienation is usually caused by the preferred parent’s indoctrination or brainwashing of the child to fear or dislike the rejected parent -- and this rejection is not only real, it affects both the child and the rejected parent deeply. -- src. American Bar Association
“A child, completely unaware, often clings favorably to their abuser .”
Many alienating parents have physically and sexually abused their children, but this is not necessarily true. More prevalent is that alienating parents act like cult figures where they stunt the critical thinking capacities of their children. Many alienating parents also tend to have personality disorders such as narcissism and borderline personality. Children manipulated and brainwashed by alienating parents also tend to suffer from depression, low self-esteem, low achievement, and are at risk of developing an alcohol or drug dependency. -- src. Matt Allen/Dr. Amy Baker
“Hatred isn't an emotion that is natural to a child. Hatred is usually taught to them, directly or indirectly.”
It is important to remember that children operating under the influence and control of an alienating parent are victims just like the alienated parent is a victim. It's recommended to stay strong, vigilant, and hopeful. Avoid conflict, combat lies with truth, and communicate calmly with a confident heart. Repairing the damage caused by an alienating parent is difficult, but can be accomplished with patience, determination, and plan of action.